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International Children’s Exhibition of Fine Arts Lidice

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Exhibits - Africa

Cape Verde Islands »

Honourable mention: Júnior Rodrigues Mascarenhas da Veiga Fred (8 years), Centro Cultural Brasil - Cabo Verde, Praia, Cape Verde Islands

Honourable mention:
Júnior Rodrigues Mascarenhas da Veiga Fred (8 years), Centro Cultural Brasil - Cabo Verde, Praia, Cape Verde Islands

Egypt »

Medal: Helmy Cherif Adel (6 years), Alexandria Sporting Club, Children Art class, Alexandria, Egypt

Helmy Cherif Adel (6 years), Alexandria Sporting Club, Children Art class, Alexandria, Egypt

Ethiopia »

Medal: Araya Yehaysh (14 years), Wukro Secondary School, Wukro, Ethiopia

Araya Yehaysh (14 years), Wukro Secondary School, Wukro, Ethiopia

Tunisia »

Honourable mention: H Sine Aymen (12 years), Ecole Privee Primaire Jeanne d´Arc, Tunis, Tunisia

Honourable mention:
H Sine Aymen (12 years), Ecole Privee Primaire Jeanne d´Arc, Tunis, Tunisia

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