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International Children’s Exhibition of Fine Arts Lidice

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The 51st ICEFA Lidice will be dedicated to the theme:


Dance is a physical activity that can convey stories, emotions and moods without using words – like fine art. Dance is a means of human communication and has been a part of human culture since time immemorial. Already in the prehistoric age, people performed ritual dances to ensure a successful hunt or to win the favor of their gods.

Over time, dance has become a part of folk festivities and also of theatrical performances. Dancing can tell a story, express feelings or just be movement for joy. People dance together in groups, for an audience, with their loved ones or just by themselves. Dance is associated with rhythm, music, and often with beautiful and expressive costumes and dresses. The effect of dancing can be influenced not only by the dancers, but also by a choreographer or a scenographer, traditional dances often employ the work of a number of craftsmen and musicians.

Around us, we can also find dances in a figurative sense – a dance of colours and lights, a dance of planets, the dancing of shadows on the wall.

  • What dances do you like?
  • What music inspires you to dance?
  • With whom would you like to dance or where would you like to dance?
  • How do you feel when dancing? What would you like to say by dancing?
  • Can nature or things dance?

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