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Exhibits - India

Medal: Praveen Kumar J., 10 years, Young Envoys International, Hyderabad, India

Praveen Kumar J., 10 years, Young Envoys International, Hyderabad, India

A medal to the school for their collection of paintings: Anil Shan Jayneel, 14 years, MUDRA, School of finearts, Vadodara, India

A medal to the school for their collection of paintings:
Anil Shan Jayneel, 14 years, MUDRA, School of finearts, Vadodara, India

A medal to the school for their collection of paintings: Manoj Fofaria Khubi, 14 years, MUDRA, School of finearts, Vadodara, India

A medal to the school for their collection of paintings:
Manoj Fofaria Khubi, 14 years, MUDRA, School of finearts, Vadodara, India

A medal to the school for their collection of paintings: Rakesh Patel Freya, 8 years, MUDRA, School of finearts, Vadodara, India

A medal to the school for their collection of paintings:
Rakesh Patel Freya, 8 years, MUDRA, School of finearts, Vadodara, India

A medal to the school for their collection of paintings: Saji Cherian Ronnie, 10 years, MUDRA, School of finearts, Vadodara, India

A medal to the school for their collection of paintings:
Saji Cherian Ronnie, 10 years, MUDRA, School of finearts, Vadodara, India

A medail to the school for their collection of combined techniques: Mitul Desai Nishma, 10 years, Hobby centre Niharika 1, Alkapuri, India

A medail to the school for their collection of combined techniques:
Mitul Desai Nishma, 10 years, Hobby centre Niharika 1, Alkapuri, India

Honourable mention: Basu Namrata, 16 years, Rangak Art school, Kolkata, India

Honourable mention:
Basu Namrata, 16 years, Rangak Art school, Kolkata, India

Honourable mention: Reddy Mounika M., 7 years, Young Envoys International, Hyderabad, India

Honourable mention:
Reddy Mounika M., 7 years, Young Envoys International, Hyderabad, India

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