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Homepage » Archived editions » 38th edition » Prize awards

Prize awards

Awarding prizes to Czech and Slovak children

Medals for top child winners from Czech schools were awarded at the ceremonial opening in the garden of the Lidice Gallery on 26th May 2010.

On the same day the medal was awarded also to the selected foreign winner - eight-year-old Skaisté Tamošaityté from Trakai, Lithuania, for her picture, and to the teacher Renata Mečkovskiené, who accepted the medal for the collection of paintings and drawing on behalf of the Art School of Trakai, Lithuanina.

Certificates and medals for Czech and Slovak children were sent to the schools and organizations in the first half of June 2010 which ensured their awarding to the child winners.

Prize awards abroad

Certificates and medals for the child winners abroad will be sent to the Czech diplomatic missions in the respective countries early in September 2010 which arranged the prize delivery.

The way of awarding the prizes depends on accepted practices and possibilities of staffs of the respective embassies (or perhaps Czech centres) - often there is a festive programme at the embassy arranged for the child winners, including refreshments and cultural performances, in which the ambassador awards them prizes personally. The ambassador often visits the respective schools and grants prizes directly in the school, or if long distances are involved, the prizes are sent out to children and schools by mail.

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