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International Children’s Exhibition of Fine Arts Lidice

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Exhibits - Montenegro

Honourable mention: Jovanović Stefan (12 years), Pejović Jelena (12 years), OŠ Janko Mićunović, Nikšić, Montenegro

Honourable mention:
Jovanović Stefan (12 years), Pejović Jelena (12 years), OŠ Janko Mićunović, Nikšić, Montenegro

Honourable mention: Kalać Eldar (11 years), OŠ Bratstvo Jedinstvo, Rožaje, Montenegro

Honourable mention:
Kalać Eldar (11 years), OŠ Bratstvo Jedinstvo, Rožaje, Montenegro

Honourable mention: Trifković Milica (14 years), OŠ Ilija Kišić , Zelenika, Montenegro

Honourable mention:
Trifković Milica (14 years), OŠ Ilija Kišić , Zelenika, Montenegro

Honourable mention: Zekić Andrijana (12 years), OŠ Bratstvo Jedinstvo, Rožaje, Montenegro

Honourable mention:
Zekić Andrijana (12 years), OŠ Bratstvo Jedinstvo, Rožaje, Montenegro

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