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International Children’s Exhibition of Fine Arts Lidice

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Exhibits - Africa

Egypt »

Honourable mention: Motaz Jasmin (6 years), Alexandria Sporting Club - Children Art Center, Alexandria, Egypt

Honourable mention:
Motaz Jasmin (6 years), Alexandria Sporting Club - Children Art Center, Alexandria, Egypt

Ethiopia »

Honourable mention: Zekariyas Eden (15 years), BeteSeb Academy, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia

Honourable mention:
Zekariyas Eden (15 years), BeteSeb Academy, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia

Kenya »

Honourable mention: Nyachea Mali (9 years), At Harbour Art Centre, Nairobi, Kenya

Honourable mention:
Nyachea Mali (9 years), At Harbour Art Centre, Nairobi, Kenya

Seychelles »

Honourable mention: Merciano Adonis (11 years), Takamaka Primary School, Mahe, Seychelles

Honourable mention:
Merciano Adonis (11 years), Takamaka Primary School, Mahe, Seychelles

Tunisia »

Honourable mention: Trabelsi Yasmine (13 years), Lycée Louis Pasteur, Tunis, Tunisia

Honourable mention:
Trabelsi Yasmine (13 years), Lycée Louis Pasteur, Tunis, Tunisia

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