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International Children’s Exhibition of Fine Arts Lidice

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Exhibits - Panama

Medal: Castillo Kathia (14 years), Instituto Profesional Y  Técnico el Silencio, Changuinola, Panama

Castillo Kathia (14 years), Instituto Profesional Y Técnico el Silencio, Changuinola, Panama

Honourable mention: Moreno Ambar (15 years), Instituto Bern Bautista Bilingue, Panama, Panama

Honourable mention:
Moreno Ambar (15 years), Instituto Bern Bautista Bilingue, Panama, Panama

Honourable mention: Colón Jiménez Omar Jacob (12 years), Instituto Fermín Naudeau, Panamá, Panama

Honourable mention:
Colón Jiménez Omar Jacob (12 years), Instituto Fermín Naudeau, Panamá, Panama

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