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Internationale Kinderkunst Ausstellung Lidice

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Exponate - Iran

Medaille: Jelviani Ghazal (7 jahren), KANOON - Institute for Intellectual Development of Children & Young Adults, Tehran, Iran

Jelviani Ghazal (7 jahren), KANOON - Institute for Intellectual Development of Children & Young Adults, Tehran, Iran

Die Ehrung: Barghi Shabnam (15 jahren), KANOON - Institute for Intellectual Development of Children & Young Adults, Tehran, Iran

Die Ehrung:
Barghi Shabnam (15 jahren), KANOON - Institute for Intellectual Development of Children & Young Adults, Tehran, Iran

Die Ehrung: Salehfard Mania (7 jahren), KANOON - Institute for Intellectual Development of Children & Young Adults, Tehran, Iran

Die Ehrung:
Salehfard Mania (7 jahren), KANOON - Institute for Intellectual Development of Children & Young Adults, Tehran, Iran

Die Ehrung: Sarvari Anita (4 jahren), KANOON - Institute for Intellectual Development of Children & Young Adults, Tehran, Iran

Die Ehrung:
Sarvari Anita (4 jahren), KANOON - Institute for Intellectual Development of Children & Young Adults, Tehran, Iran

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