ICEFA Lidice - Homepage

International Children’s Exhibition of Fine Arts Lidice

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Exhibits - Africa

Egypt »

Honourable mention: Aboelenien Fares (7 years), Children Art Center, Alexandria, Egypt

Honourable mention:
Aboelenien Fares (7 years), Children Art Center, Alexandria, Egypt

Ethiopia »

Honourable mention: Anwar Nur (16 years), Notre Dame School, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia

Honourable mention:
Anwar Nur (16 years), Notre Dame School, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia

Morocco »

Honourable mention: Ettaki Ismail (without details), Atelier Arts pour tous, Temara, Morocco

Honourable mention:
Ettaki Ismail (without details), Atelier Arts pour tous, Temara, Morocco

South Africa »

Honourable mention: Porril Gemma (16 years), St. Stithians Girls College, Johannesburg, South Africa

Honourable mention:
Porril Gemma (16 years), St. Stithians Girls College, Johannesburg, South Africa

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